
Cara Menggunakan HEX WORKSHOP pada game

Berikut ini adalah cara menggunakan aplikasi HEX Workshop untuk mengubah kata yg ada dalam game agar dapat kita terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa indonesia atau sebaliknya. Langkahnya : - Pergi ke browser anda, ketikkan di alamat web - Download emulator, sesuaikan dengan spesifikasi computer anda ( 32 dan 64 bit) - Cari yang belakanhnya Nintendo, Ds, Roms, lalu klik. - Cari di paling bawah "Nintendo Ds Roms" di kategori Handphone. - Klik "title all list", cari game yang legacy dan (U) artinya Amerika, (E)ropa. Jangan (J)epang atau (F)rance. - Kalau sudah, download game apa saja terserah. Jika sudah, maka file akan terdownload dalam bentuk rar, tinggal di extract. - Buka hex workshop. - Klik open, dan pilih game yang tadi di download. - Abis itu klik ctrl+F untuk cari kata-katanya. - Ubah ke text string, klik find all instances, bisa di up atau down. - Alhasil, keluar daftar kata-kata yang akan diterjemahkan dibagian kanan bawah. - Jangan...

Review Word Fast

Wordfast is the world’s leading provider of platform-independent translation memory software. We offer powerful desktop, server, and web-based solutions designed to meet the needs of individual translators, LSPs, corporations, and educational institutions worldwide. Our solutions enable users to reduce the time, effort, and costs associated with the translation process.                   Wordfast was founded in 1999 in Paris, France by Yves Champollion, who has over 30 years of experience in the translation industry. Our software was first introduced to the market as a free MS Word-based tool, designed primarily for individual translators. Since that time, we have released additional products for LSPs and corporations that address translation efficiency at the enterprise level. Today, our products are a collaborative effort of nearly 20 years of field-testing wi...

Transit XV

TRANSIT XV Transit XV adalah sebuah program penerjemahan berbantuan komputer, yang akan mempermudah kita dalam melakukan penerjemahan dengan bantuan aplikasi pada konputer. Tak ada gading yang tak retak. Ya begitulah peribahasa yang mungkin tepat menggambarkan aplikasi Transit XV ini. Meskipun memiliki kelebihan, transit XV juga memiliki kekurangan. Apa saja kelebihan dan kekurangannya, alan saya jabarkan dibawah ini. • Kelebihan : 1. Transit XV memudahkan kita menerjemahkan kata per kata tanpa ada yang terlewat karena menggunakan sistem block otomatis pada tiap kalimat, sehingga bisa meminimalisir kata yang terlewat. 2. Memiliki tampilan yang sederhana untuk pemula, serta tidak begitu banyak tools yg membingungkan penggunanya. 3. Fitur kamus yang dimilki Transit XV ini memudahkan penggunanya ketika mengerjakan projek-projek baru. • Kekurangan : 1. Proses instalasi yang cukup rumit pada awal saat kita akan mulai menggunakannya. 2. Fitur kamus yang dimilikinya bersifat manual pada awaln...

Article about music

Does Music Affect Your Mood? Written by Suzanne Boothby on April 13, 2017 New research shows that even sad music can lift your mood, while other studies suggest music can boost happiness and reduce anxiety. From the drumbeats of our ancient ancestors to today’s unlimited streaming services, music is an integral part of the human experience. Researchers have pondered the possible therapeutic and mood boosting benefits of music for centuries. Even sad music brings most listeners pleasure and comfort, according to recent research from Durham University in the United Kingdom and the University of Jyväskylä in Finland, published in PLOS ONE. Conversely, the study found that for some people, sad music can cause negative feelings of profound grief. The research involved three surveys of more than 2,400 people in the United Kingdom and Finland, focusing on the emotions and memorable experiences associated with listening to sad songs.The majority of experiences reported by part...

Tugas Softskill Teknologi dan Komunikasi

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) loading all technology related to the handling of information. This includes handling the retrieval, collection, processing, storage, the dispersion and the presentation of the information. So, ICT technology is related to the retrieval, collection, processing, storage, the dispersion and the presentation of the information. Review of the order of saying, information technology and communication is composed of 3 (three) words that each have a meaning. The first word, technology means the development and the application of the appliance, machine, material and the process of helping people resolve the problem. The term technology often describes the discovery of new tools using the principles and the process of scientific findings. The second and third words, i.e. information and communication, closely related with data. The information means that the results of the processing of the manipulation and organizing a group of data that give...

Tugas Softskill Komunikasi Bisnis Example Of Letters

CHARGE ACCOUNT TERMS AND CONDITIONS This agreement is made and effective (January 20, 2017) BETWEEN     : [PUDGE GAMING GEAR] (the "Seller") a corporation organized and existing under the laws of  with its head office located at: Haven Ave A12-15, Solo, Centre of java AND                : [Mr Jackon Uhuy] (the "Customer") a manager from Outworld Devourer a house production Gaming Gear organized and existing under the laws of the (Dortmund) with its head office located at: Main Road 221, Dortmund.Germany IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Buyer agrees with seller [Mr Jackson Uhuy] to pay for all purchases upon receipt of monthly statement charges billed, but not pay by the 3rd day in the first week of the month following purchase will be considered delinquent and subject to finance charges. The FINANCE CHARGE for individual is computed by a periodic rate of 3% per month which is an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 3...

Tugas Softskill Komunikasi Bisnis

Business Communication Sharing an information between people within the enterprise that perfomed for the commercial benefit of the organization / company How the company shares information to promote it's product / service to potentian customer Element 1. Sender / encoder 2. Receiver 3. Messeages 4. Chanel / medium Buildness for effective communication Clarity of purpose Clarity of purpose is vital for the achievement of success and for making dreams come true. Your dream or goal must be specific and clear, and should not be vague. While it’s fun to daydream about being rich and successful, you have to know and define clearly what you want to get or to achieve. Shared Activity / Feedback Process in which the effect or output of an action is 'returned' (fed-back) to modify the next action. Feedback is essential to the working and survival of all regulatory mechanisms found throughout living and non-living nature, and in man-made systems such as edu...