Tugas Softskill Teknologi dan Komunikasi

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) loading all technology related to the handling of information. This includes handling the retrieval, collection, processing, storage, the dispersion and the presentation of the information. So, ICT technology is related to the retrieval, collection, processing, storage, the dispersion and the presentation of the information.
Review of the order of saying, information technology and communication is composed of 3 (three) words that each have a meaning. The first word, technology means the development and the application of the appliance, machine, material and the process of helping people resolve the problem. The term technology often describes the discovery of new tools using the principles and the process of scientific findings.
The second and third words, i.e. information and communication, closely related with data. The information means that the results of the processing of the manipulation and organizing a group of data that gives the value of the knowledge (knowledge) to users. Communication is a process of delivering information (message, ideas, idea) from one side to the other party to the relationship of mutual influence between them.
So can in sumpulkan that information and communication technology is the result of human engineering of the process of delivering information and the process of delivering a message (ide, idea) from one side to the other party so that more quickly, broader radiations and longer it dies.

1             1.   E-mail (Electronic Mailing)

Electronic mail, or email, is a method of exchanging digital messages between people using digital devices such as computers, mobile phones and other electronics. Email first entered substantial use in the 1960s and by the mid-1970s had taken the form now recognized as email. Email operates across computer networks, which today is primarily the Internet. Some early email systems required the author and the recipient to both be online at the same time, in common with instant messaging. Today's email systems are based on a store-and-forward model. Email servers accept, forward, deliver, and store messages. Neither the users nor their computers are required to be online simultaneously; they need to connect only briefly, typically to a mail server or a webmail 
interface, for as long as it takes to send or receive messages.
2                   2.  Internet
A system connecting computers around the world using TCP/IP, which stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, a set of standards for transmitting and receiving digital data. The Internet consists primarily of the collection of billions of interconnected webpages that are transferred using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), and are collectively known as the World Wide Web. The Internet also uses FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer files, and SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to transfer e-mail.

3               3. V-mail (Victory Mail)
 a system of mail transmission in which a letter written on a letter sheet is reproduced on photographic microfilm and forwarded in this form to be enlarged on photographic paper for delivery; also :  mail or a letter prepared for or sent by this method of transmission

4.     Teleconfrence

A teleconference is a meeting of people in different locations using telecommunications. A basic teleconference may only include audio, while other types of teleconferences may include video and data sharing. Some common examples include telephone conferences, videoconferences, and web meetings.
The most simple and widely used type of teleconference is a phone conference, since the only equipment required is a speakerphone. If a project needs to be discussed between more than two people in different locations, they can all dial a conference phone number that will allow everybody to talk to each other at the same time. A board meeting may also double as a teleconference if board members attend remotely. Many board rooms include a conferencing system that allows people to "teleconference in" to the meeting by calling the conference phone number. This allows remote board members to actively participate in a board meeting even if they are not physically present.

Business reports
business report is a report that has the nature of neutral, no partiality, have clear objectives and contains the plan of the presentation of the fact to one or more for specific business goals.
According to Herta A. Murphy Business Reports is a report that has the nature of neutral, no partiality, have clear objectives and contains the plan of the presentation of the fact to one or more for specific business goals.
According to Himstreet Business Report is a message of objectively compiled regularly and used to deliver information from a organizational section or from an institution or other kelembaga institutions in order to help decision making or problem solving.
In general the writing business reports used to meet various needs, among others:
a. To monitor and control the operations of the company.
b. To help implement policies and procedures that have been assigned to the company.
c. To meet the requirements of the law and the rules that apply to the company.
d. To document the achievements of the work that is required for both internal and external purposes.
e. To analyze the information and provide guidance for the taking of decisions on specific issues.
f. To obtain the financing sources or open a new business.
Business reports can be classified as:
1.      According to its function.
- informational report is a report that member information, presents facts without analysis, without the conclusion, and without providing recommendations.
- Analysis Report is a report that presents the fact, analyzes and menginterprestasikan, then conclude and provide recommendations.
- Example : progress report on the work of the recommendations and proposals.
2. According to the subject
- a report can be differentiated according to the department of which a report is obtained.
- Example :Accounting Report, personnel, Production and so on.

3. According to the formality.
- Reports can be differentiated on the basis of what is formal or informal. According to its frequency. A report can be distinguished on the basis of whether periodically or special.
- according to the report is genuine, consists of: report, authority voluntary report, private report, and public reports.
4. According to genuine
- Authority Report : a report made on the basis of the request or the power of other people.
- Voluntary Report : The initiative from the maker of the report itself.
- Private Report : a report made by the organization or private companies.
- public Report : compiled by government agencies or institutions that are funded by the state.

5. According to its frequency
- consists of periodic report is the report prepared daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annually, annual.example: sales report
- Special Report : the report on the unique event(specifically) such as the report on the crisis in the company.
6. According to its kind
- a report was influenced by the formality and length of the report. Infomal report covers the report memorandum, report letters and printed report. formal report is often called with long reports.
- letter report is a report that uses the format of the letter to the head of the letter. The report in the form of the mold have a title already printed instructions,, lines of empty. A formal report is usually much longer than the informal reports.
7. According to the project activity
- in doing a project, there are three types of reports,namely laporanpendahuluan, progress reports and the final report.
8. According to the implementation of the meeting
- Agenda : a document that is written before the meeting was held and usually consists of schedule and topics that will be discussed in the meeting so that will help participants in preparation.
- the resolution is a formal short report contains the results of the consensus a meeting.
- Minutes is the official report in a meeting that has been held that includes all the things that happen in a meeting. Includes discussion of the wider and contain the results of the meeting or conferences important.

Types of business reports
business reports can be based on various kinds of functions and type, including is
1. The report of the individual and the official report
individual report is a report made on the initiative of the person himself, therefore need details and supporting evidence that more than the official report. Because the official reports are made based on the request of the other party.

2. Regular reports and special reports
regular reports submitted based on the routines that done, usually have been made in the form of define since the beginning.

3. Internal reports and external reports
internal reports are generally the report essentially only intended for the environment in the company only, while externally is intended to report circulated to parties outside the company.


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